General description

XFLR5 is an analysis tool for airfoils, wings and planes operating at low Reynolds Numbers. It includes:

  1. XFoil's Direct and Inverse analysis capabilities
  2. Wing design and analysis capabilities based on the Lifiting Line Theory, on the Vortex Lattice Method, and on a 3D Panel Method

flow5 v7.01, which is the next version of both xflr5 and sail7, has been released in beta status on December 1st, 2019.



Radio Controlled Soaring Digest 2008-02 : Francesco's great article to get started with XFLR5
Results_vs_Prediction.pdf: A comparison of performance measurements to XFLR5 results
XFLR5_Mode_Measurements.pdf: A comparison of stability measurements to XFLR5 results
Point_Out_Of_Flight_Envelope.pdf : The detailed explanation and fix for the error message "Point is out of the flight envelope"
XFLR5_and_Stability_analysis.pdf : My very personal view of stability analysis

Theoretical background

Part I: Theoretical overview
Part II: The inviscid problem_rev1.1
Part III: The viscous flow_rev1.2
Part IV: Limitations and shortcomings

French documentation

Survol_Bases_Aero_et_XFLR5.pdf : Bases aérodynamiques pour l'utilisation de XFLR5
Guide théorique pour XFLR5 : Traduction française des Guidelines
Tutoriel pour effectuer ses premiers pas dans XFLR5 : 4ème version, décembre 2013
Point_Out_Of_Flight_Envelope.pdf : Explication détaillée et méthode de résolution du problème

Chinese documentation


Japanese documentation


Italian documentation

Lo studio dei modelli con XFLR5
Analisi della stabilità con XFLR5
Passo dopo Passo in XFLR5_6 10 03
Usare XFLR5 V6 e scoprire un sacco di cose da imparare (translated from RC Soaring Digest April 2016)

Spanish documentation

Acerca de XFLR5

Video Tutorial

xflr5 tutorial: My first attempt at a video tutorial. This is intended for newcomers, but may also be of help to more experienced users.


flow5: The next version of both xflr5 and sail7. Original XFoil code as provided by M. Drela and H. Youngren, and of which the present application is derived. : Calculation method for multi-airfoil wings based on XFoil or Experimental Results.
sail7: A derivative for the analysis of sails.


Updated April 16, 2024